You met me at my lowest. Yet found peaks within my vallies. Attempted to climb and shatter all records of lasting at the mountain top the longest. You win.
I hate you.
You slipped so smoothly within my day. Becoming my schedule, outlining how I will love myself first and you second within each minute. Having days overlapping, and lingering into each other.
I hate you.
How sneaky you are to have planned these sincere gestures, love lies, and mistress like nights as you cheat on sleep with me. Skipped meals for me. And ran from obligations to reorganize priorities to include the making of us.
I hate you.
The way I don't have to ask many questions because with the movement of your tongue, our thoughts are parallel, and sync. For you have answers beyond my recognition and intake. Mute to your touch. Speechless from such pleasure. I wish I could capture our silent moments.
I hate you.
Tender touches, succulent kisses. You seem to know how to nurture each portion. Nibbling at my heart with casual conversation. You have studied my pleasures. And mastered my virtues.
I hate you.
Soft and slowly you move to caress me. Massaging my ego with adjectives and affirmations. Picking at every nerve and muscle, kissing every emotion, poking fun within every moment. You have memorized my smile.
I hate you.
Blushing through conversations. Unseen. You always know. My muse. Inspiring me to create better than your existence. To live past the joy of your simple presence. Saving each memory to live within and beyond me. Our kin.
I hate you.
Caring through intentions. Moving without sight and living without weight. Letting go ego and pride, they live outside our interactions. You have managed to actually invade my privacy. And become an aspect of my personal life. Pillow Talk
I hate you.
Just when I thought it was over, before the labels, the love,the laughs and tears. You tickle my heart with necessity. Without glowing, my light wouldn't shine, you continue to turn me on, helping illuminate my spirit.
I hate you.
You know every inch of my body. The angle of every curve. The complexion of every stretch mark, location of every scar and mole. You have become entranced in my being. So much that I am now in your dreams,more than your reality.
I hate you.
You miss me. I like you. You love me. I want you. We both don't need any of this. Yet it seems to right. What about the world makes us not appreciate being loved?
I hate you.
My pages fill up about you. Completing lines and rewriting poems. You have made a name for yourself with the blog of my life. I wish it was that easy to keep you around.
I hate you.
But please don't ever leave me again.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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