The feeling...
The knowing...
The impurity of it all.
The innocence.
The mixture of everything
Unknown yet familiar.
The " this aint right" feeling.
"Wish it was" feeling.
This feels nice.
Making you think twice feeling.
Second guessing yourself repeatedly.
The feeling, the knowing.
Questioning internal motives.
Attempting to balance external realities.
How does my mind process all of this?
I am.
Searching for loopholes.
Trying not to like this feeling.
Trying to find a reason to enjoy this feeling.
Wondering "why is this happening to me" That feeling...
Nervous yet calm
Relaxed but uptight
In denial!
Even though I can feel confirmation.
A reflection of the other side.
A desire of the other side.
A trip to the other side.
You are the other side.
Something to add to my list.
Out of reach
But so close.
In every sense of Now.
I overstand you.
I overstand.
The feeling.
yaasss *snaps fingers* ;) love that...i know the feeling...